After its immediate predecessors HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.1, HTML5 is a reply to a comment that HTML and XHTML in general use the World Wide Web is a mixture of features introduced in various specifications, along with those introduced software products, such as Web browsers, those that are established common practice, and many syntax errors in the existing Web documents. It will also attempt to identify a single markup language, which can be written in either HTML or XHTML syntax. It includes detailed processing models to encourage more consistent implementation, it expands, improves and streamlines the markup documents, and introduces a markup, and application programming interfaces (API), and for complex Web application.
New Html5 Features
1. The technology of the canvas: It was invented by a famous brand of Apple, with a browser based on 2-D drawing function. In order to draw graphics on Web pages, JavaScript was used. Here are some of the methods of preparation of the circles, paths, boxes, symbols and images that were used in the canvas element.
2.Site Videos: These days, most of the video shows the plug-ins like Flash. HTML5 video element includes a standard quality video.
3. Web Audio: basically, all the audio played through plug-ins, as long as the flash, HTML5 audio element indicates the standard for playing audio files.
4.Web Storage: There are two ways this session storage and storage buildings used to store data without any influence the performance of your Web site.
<!--...--> a comment
<!DOCTYPE> the document type
<a> a hyperlink
<abbr> an abbreviation
<address> an address element
<area> an area inside an image map
<article> an article NEW TAG
<aside> content aside from the page content NEW TAG
<audio> sound content NEW TAG
<b> bold text
<base> a base URL for all the links in a page
<bdo> the direction of text display
<blockquote> a long quotation
<body> the body element
<canvas> Define graphics NEW TAG
<caption> a table caption
<cite> a citation
<code> computer code text
<col> attributes for table columns
<colgroup> groups of table columns
<command> a command NEW TAG
<datalist> an "autocomplete" dropdown list NEW TAG
<dd> a definition description
<del> deleted text
<details> details of an element NEW TAG
<dfn> Defines a definition term
<div> a section in a document
<dl> a definition list
<dt> a definition term
<em> emphasized text
<embed> external application or interactive content NEW TAG
<eventsource> a target for events sent by a server NEW TAG
<fieldset> a fieldset
<figcaption> caption for the figure element. NEW TAG
<figure> a group of media content, and their caption NEW TAG
<footer> a footer for a section or page NEW TAG
<form> a form
<br> Inserts a single line break
<button> a push button
<h1> a heading level 1
<h2> a heading level 2
<h3> a heading level 3
<h4> a heading level 4
<h5> a heading level 5
<h6> a heading level 6
<head> information about the document
<header> a group of introductory or navigational aids, including hgroup elements NEW TAG
<hgroup> a header for a section or page NEW TAG
<hr> a horizontal rule
<html> an html document
<i> italic text
<iframe> an inline sub window (frame)
<img> an image
<input> an input field
<ins> inserted text
<kbd> keyboard text
<keygen> Generates a key pair NEW TAG
<label> a label for a form control
<legend> a title in a fieldset
<li> a list item
<link> a resource reference
<mark> marked text NEW TAG
<map> an image map
<menu> a menu list
<meta> meta information
<meter> measurement within a predefined range NEW TAG
<nav> navigation links NEW TAG
<noscript> a noscript section
<object> an embedded object
<ol> an ordered list
<optgroup> an option group
<option> an option in a drop-down list
<output> some types of output NEW TAG
<p> a paragraph
<param> a parameter for an object
<pre> preformatted text
<progress> progress of a task of any kind NEW TAG
<q> a short quotation
<ruby> a ruby annotation (used in East Asian typography) NEW TAG
<rp> Used for the benefit of browsers that don't support ruby annotations NEW TAG
<rt> the ruby text component of a ruby annotation. NEW TAG
<samp> sample computer code
<script> a script
<section> a section NEW TAG
<select> a selectable list
<small> small text
<source> media resources NEW TAG
<span> a section in a document
<strong> strong text
<style> a style definition
<sub> subscripted text
<summary> a summary/caption for the <details> element NEW TAG
<sup> superscripted text
<table> a table
<tbody> a table body
<td> a table cell
<textarea> a text area
<tfoot> a table footer
<th> a table header
<thead> a table header
<time> a date/time NEW TAG
<title> the document title
<tr> a table row
<ul> an unordered list
<var> a variable
<video> a video NEW TAG
<wbr> a line break opportunity for very long words and strings of text with no spaces.
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